Right-Suite® Universal: What Have You Been Missing?

Below is the full list of features released in Right-Suite® Universal over the past few years.

What's New in Right-Suite Universal 2017

  • weather-icon

    Weather Data

    • 2013 ASHRAE weather data
    • ACCA addendum E weather data update: Microclimate data for CA, AZ, HI, NV
    • F280 2012 weather data

    ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation

    • Includes both 2010 and 2013 standards
    • Calculates minimum fresh air needed per home
  • energy star logo

    Energy Star HVAC Report Version 8

    • Integrated Energy Star Certified Home Version 3 for demonstrating compliance
  • lock-icon

    Toggle Layer Button

    • Lock and unlock layers on the draw screen with new button
  • filter_small

    Return Registers

    • Easily move registers to different floors by changing the sheet name
  • ACunit_small

    Equipment Selection

    • Search equipment with AHRI number
  • blue and yellow ball

    Heat Pump Balance Point

    • Show heat pump balance point on the project summary and short room summary reports
  • AutoBranchRun_After

    Duct Report Added

    • Duct: Static Pressure and Friction Rate report
  • DrawingObjectBox

    Specify Shaded Areas

    • You can now specify when a wall, window or door surface is shaded per orientation
  • ACCA Logo

    ACCA Manual J 8 Version 2.5 Updates

  • ACunit_small

    Equipment Selection

    • Wildcard search for furnaces and coils
    • Change default max SEER to 30

    Register Size Library

    • Limit register sizes to match what the company sells with custom libraries
  • Equip-comparison

    Backup Heat

    • Show backup heating options for electric strip, furnace or boiler on the load short form or load project summary
  • lock-icon

    Lock Duct System

    • Lock ducts to easily attach air handlers
  • draw-wall-by-wall-icon


    • Ability to hit undo-action while using wall-by-wall tool
  • DrawingObjectBox

    Snap to Grid

    • Snap to grid button added
  • filter_small

    Return Filter

    • Added filter types offers more mapping capabilities
  • registerpropsheet_small

    Override Property Sheet

    • Override fields in the floor or ceiling property sheet
  • AutoBranchRun_After

    Duct Leakage Test

    • Enter duct leakage test results easily
  • weather-icon

    Weather City Selection

    • Ability to select weather bin data by zip code

What's New in Right-Suite Universal 2015


    ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation

    • Provides users with the minimum best practices for ventilation and acceptable indoor air quality for low rise residential buildings.
  • ducts2

    Riser Take Off

    • Ability to run a horizontal trunk or branch from  mid- section of duct riser.
  • AutoBranchRun_After

    Auto-Branch Run

    • The program connects branch to registers or grills after trunk line is drawn.
  • AutoPlaceRegisters

    Auto-Place Registers

    • Automatic register placement using customized user rules.
  • FLEX

    Auto-Input Flex Duct Define

    • A fixed length of flex duct to be installed at the end of every branch run to attenuate noise.
  • cad

    Read and Write to AutoCAD Version 2014 and Lower


    Auto-Size Registers

    • The program will auto-size all your registers to maintain your target register face.
  • sidwall

    New Register Types

    • Increase accuracy of registers with new register types like high wall, low wall, ceiling one way, ceiling two ways and more to choose from.
  • WallMats3D-Recovered

    Default Building Material Options

    • For partition walls and floors as well as vaulted ceilings.
  • glassdoor

    Smarter Glass Door Shapes

    • More default sliding glass door materials, including half wing and half fixed door type, to save design time.
  • Ceiling_Notation

    Optional Side Notations for Vaulted Ceiling Objects

  • SmartChecke

    Smart-Checker for Branch-to-Trunk Connections

    • Warning displays when non-congruent sized branch-to-trunk.
  • ImprovedWallRegisterDisplay

    Improved Wall Register Display

  • PartNumberNotations

    Register Notation

    • Improve look and feel of drawing by controlling register notations displayed.
  • ImprovedAppearanceOfRiserFittingIn2Line

    Improved Appearance of Riser Fitting in 2 Line

  • 2line

    Improved 2 line duct drawing reducing overlap and more realistic view

    • More realistic elbow fitting with radius
    • Unit connection fittings improved
    • Wye fittings automatically reduces radius in tight spaces

Key Features in Right-Suite Universal 2012 & 2013

  • KneeWall_sm

    Wall-by-Wall Draw Tool

    • Enables users to draw out homes with knee walls and walk out basements.
    • Increased detail in the Property Sheet to simplify use, as well as ability to note below grade depth.
  • CA_energyProLink

    Energy Pro Link

    • Allows users to use the load calculation and other information already calculated in Right-Suite® Universal and automatically transfer it to California’s Energy Pro program to prove your Title 24, Part 6 code compliance
  • SupplyToReturnRegisterShowAssignment_sm

    Return Duct Balance Tool

    • Easily assign and identify supply registers to return registers.
  • PartNumberNotations

    Smart Object and Notation

    • Users can create smart objects in the draw catalog with part numbers to be assigned to BOM, including outdoor unit, thermostat, damper, condensing pad, line set, wire and more.
    • View and change duct part numbers directly on the Right-Draw screen.
  • ExpandedWizards_JobDetails_sm

    Expanded Wizards

    • Expanded to include orientation, plan #, jurisdiction, ACCA reports and more.
    • Add number of stories to infiltration and fireplace quality to infiltration wizards.
  • UniversalFileFormat

    Universal File Format

    • Right-Suite® Universal, Right-J® Mobile and Right-Mobile Consultant™ now all have the same file format, enabling easy collaboration between the field and the main office.
  • proposalGraph

    Payback Analysis & Proposal Cost Variables

    • Including total price, tax, rebate, total cost, rebates on cost, rebates on price, total cost after and average margin for each investment option.
    • Ability to copy accessories selected from one investment option and apply to another.
  • dormerCeiling

    Smart Ceiling Tool

    • New double shed, window on ceiling and dormer ceiling options.
    • Separate wall construction(s) and wall area override for appropriate ceiling types.
    • Additional output properties to improve user feedback, including surface ceiling area, ceiling volume, and wall area.
  • 2LineDuct

    Simplified Duct Mapping Tool

    • Now change these settings directly from the Right-Draw® screen.
    • Allows for custom fittings.
  • ACunit_small

    Equipment Selection

    • Ability to save extended data and additional models in equipment database.
    • Filter by EER and AHRI #
    • More equipment types from AHRI.
    • Duct losses / gains library items.
    • Grouping enabled for multi-zone control.

Released in Version 8

  • Global Improvements

    • New Web Style User Interface—Simpler, easier, more powerful user interface. Comes with different modes for different uses or make your own.
    • Ability to hide equipment by manufacturers and/or specific units that you don’t sell from AHRI equipment list.
    • Windows 7/Vista Compatible
    • ERV/HRV load inputs for residential and commercial applications.
    • ASHRAE 2009 weather data with updated solar calculations
  • Right-Draw®

    • Ability to Open PDF—Insert, scale and re-size multiple PDF files in same way as DWG and DXF files
    • New Point-to-Point Drawing Capability–Insert room by inserting vertices (walls)–Same easy-to-use draw capability as Right-J Mobile
  • Database:

    • AHRI database updated weekly
    • Proposal database updated with all AHRI equipment listing
  • New Reports:

    • Load for all orientations
  • Ducts:

    • Duct Systems by colors by air handler— change colors of each duct system objects by air handler
    • New Duct labels on draw screen for better inspector and code reporting
  • Right-Consultant™:

    A new sales tool that automates the entire sales process with the most complete sales presentation and proposal builder solution available today.

    • New Simple System Builder—an interactive easy-to-use user interface designed for computer novice and experts
      • Easily add accessories, kits, rebates and/or discounts to proposal
      • Identify customer needs with built in customer questionnaire
      • Compare up to 4 types of equipment
      • Fast, easy, accurate, custom proposal in minutes
      • Point and Click user interface – virtually no typing
      • Multi-brand capability
    • Superior in-home presentations with PowerPoint, videos and flash
    • Show Financing on every job
    • Improve account management with individual and team data synchronization
    • Simplified set up that is faster, easier, and more powerful
      • Show only equipment you sell
      • Equipment family selection
      • Easily add your part numbers and descriptions
      • Easy to assign kits, accessories, rebates and discounts
      • Add your own images to any part
      • Simple mapping capabilities

Released in Version 7

Right-Suite® Universal integrates the functionality of both the Right-Suite® Residential and Right-Suite® Commercial HVAC software programs to allow users to quickly switch calculation methods (modules) depending upon project requirements, instead of opening and operating separate programs.

  • Global Improvements:

    • One building file format for residential and commercial buildings!
    • All load and duct calculation methods can use the other Right-Suite Universal modules including Right-Draw®, Right-Radiant®, Right-Loop™, Right-HV™, Right-Proposal® and Right-$™
    • New Layered Materials Technology™ simplifies building materials selection! No more long lists to choose. Describe any surface type to automatically translate into the selected calculation method.
    • Internet licensing makes it easy to get started and add features.
    • Right-Catalog provides timely and automatic updates of ARI/GAMA and manufacturer equipment and parts data.
    • Print reports, drawings, and proposals to PDF for easy sharing.
    • New program help screens with built-in video tutorials for common tasks and frequently asked questions.
    • Ability to manually input loads for quick radiant and duct system design and estimation.
  • Duct Design and Sizing:

    • Improved trunk-move mode drags all attached fittings and branches for quick modifications.
    • Improved high-velocity features including:
      • More layout patterns such as x-axis and y-axis, plenums, and improved perimeter and H-like patterns.
      • Updated Unico parts data and placement rules.
    • Registers automatically placed on bill of materials and ability to select different register types on the property sheets.
    • Registers are enabled to be located directly on the trunk line.
    • Ability to override duct sizes for custom designs and to change stud/joist space height and width.
    • Separate material and size properties for risers.
    • Uses three levels of external duct insulation to generate separate parts for different insulation.
    • Includes the ability to map each insulation to different parts for quotes. Duct liner and oval duct types and shapes are also enabled.
  • Right-Draw and Zoning:

    • Zoom-to-window or source and zoom-to-previous capabilities plus mouse-wheel zoom and pan.
    • Ability to specify spaces open to above or below for multi-floor spaces such as foyers, great rooms, atriums, and more.
    • Building Materials Library is extended to store information on infiltration, duct gains and losses, HRV and initial cost information plus apply to existing drawing objects.
    • Mirror image ability for drawing objects.
    • Ability to customize title blocks in drawings and use program variables.
    • Independent zoning for hydronic and air systems and primary and secondary sources.
    • Enabled multi-level, multi-equipment zoning.
  • Bill of Materials and Parts Takeoff:

    • Ability to assign labor to any item or part. Labor is now available as a section on the bill of materials.
    • Ability to sort bill of materials by construction phase or other column variables.
    • Ability to change view by hiding any costs for homeowner presentations.
    • Ability to add item-by-item discounts.
    • Manually edited items can be saved and locked to protect bill of materials.

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