Rheia is an engineered supply air distribution system designed to easily fit into the home’s conditioned space and deliver air more precisely throughout the home. It is a small diameter flex duct system that uses snap-fit plastic components. This leads to a fast, labor efficient installation with little or no conflict with the electrical and plumbing sub-contractors or tradesmen.
Product Description
Rheia is an engineered supply air distribution system designed to easily fit into the home’s conditioned space and deliver air more precisely throughout the home. It is a small diameter flex duct system that uses snap-fit plastic components. This leads to a fast, labor efficient installation with little or no conflict with the electrical and plumbing sub-contractors or tradesmen.
Rheia is the easiest way to get all ductwork within the home’s conditioned space. This feature helps builders meet or exceed current and future energy codes and above code programs like Energy Star, providing opportunities for substantial rebates like the 45L Tax Credit.
When compared side-by-side to a conventional system distributing air across the same floor plan in the same location, Rheia consistently outperformed recommended room-to-room temperature deltas — resulting in a more comfortable environment. Homeowners will enjoy energy cost savings and experience more consistent temperatures throughout the house.
The Right-Rheia Duct Module within RSU allows users to easily take the load calculation and equipment selection results and design a Rheia system to those parameters. Right-Draw allows the user to interface the drawing screen, giving real-time results of airflow, static pressure, and balancing of the Rheia system as you draw.
Rheia designs are then hot-linked to our Right Proposal module, which will easily provide a parts take-off and custom job cost estimate, along with the design output application and project drawings.
The innovative Right Rheia module provides consistent, measurable results for any design, build or installation professional.