Mobile In-Home Selling

Right-Mobile Consultant™

Right-Mobile Consultant is a web-based sales tool designed to streamline your sales process and increase dealer sales.

With no software to install, contractors can perform instant ACCA-Approved Manual-J block load calculations with our maps ability and real estate data, calculate costs, build custom proposals and much more, remotely from any tablet, laptop or desktop with a web browser.  Visit our Right-J® Mobile page if you prefer to use our mobile solution for smartphones.

Right-Mobile Consultant was designed with an easy to learn user interface, even the most novice computer user can utilize the program to its fullest potential and give the end user what they really want: speed and accuracy.

Right-Mobile Consultant Applications:

Complete Manual-J block load calculations. Right-Mobile Consultant utilizes a map database and real-estate data to accurately and instantly perform ACCA-Approved Manual-J block load calculations without even having to pull out your tape measure. In just seconds, Right-Mobile Consultant will generate an instant ACCA approved Manual J8 block (whole house) load with 8 accompanying reports. Pulling information from a real estate database and using the construction materials library to calculate heating and cooling loads, the program eliminates the long process of measuring, entering data and the math required for Manual J. If the assumed load needs to be modified, available drop down menus make it easier than ever to quickly edit any detail of the load.

Manual J Load Calculations Pay Off: Homeowners spend an average $934 more* with contractors who performed a Manual J load calculation in the home and marketed this expertise.

* According to Decision Analyst American Home Comfort study.


  • Instant approved Manual J8 whole house loads
  • Google Map aerial view on the draw screen
  • ACCA approved reports, detailed analyses, printouts for submissions, and more
  • Eight standard reports including building analysis, project summary, load
    worksheets, component constructions, AED assessment, drawings and proposals.
  • Cloud-based, allowing you to Access files from any device with internet
  • Enable sharing by storing and retrieving your project on a secure cloud server
  • Easily edit the dimension points, orientation, construction materials and more
  • Open and edit your Right-Mobile Consultant files in
    Right-Suite® Universal (Sold Separately)

How It Works:

  1. Customer Setup Screen: In the Customer Setup Screen, simply fill out customer details, including contact information, project location, and job number.On this screen you can also select which reports you would like to include in the final printout/email. Here you will also find the “Customer Comfort Information” checklist. This will help choose which accessories to
  2. Building Footprint: Begin by entering an address manually or tap the “go to my location” icon to pull the Google Map aerial view of the house.Autodraw Instant Loads: Using the side menu to the right, set the number of floors to include in the calculation and hit the “Autodraw from ReDb” button to calculate an instant load calculation.Manual Drawing: Using the map as a
    guide, simply tap the outline of the house to set your building footprint dimensions. If desired, the map feature can be turned off and a white grid will appear.
  3. Select building details: Simply edit construction materials on the “Building Details” screen. Using simple drop down menu’s, select your wall, ceiling and floor R-values, materials, infiltration, and glass area percentage.Right-Mobile Consultant submits this information via the Internet to Wrightsoft’s web servers. Our servers instantly compute the load and send the results back to your tablet or laptop.
  4. View Results: View your results! You can view your heating and cooling loads with a pie chart breakdown generated by the source of each load. The information stored on our servers can be imported into Right-Suite® Universal to create more complex room-by-room designs

Analyze operating costs and ROI. Utilize proven energy cost data to show your customer both long-term and short-term benefits of each system so they can make an educated decision.

Use this easy-to-use ROI tool to calculate payback analysis that compares annual utility savings, cost of repair as well local incentives and tax credits. Use our built-in equipment datasheets to help demonstrate comfort and value. Factoring in local utility rates, local incentives, tax credits, equipment cost and energy efficiencies, dealers can get a side by side analysis for up
to 4 systems. For dealers who utilize Right-Price, these costs and rates can be populated automatically.

All this information automatically populates a proposal—dealers have the option of choosing from four proposal templates for the homeowner (single system or Best / Better / Good formats with option to include accessories on each).


The load calculation parameters will be automatically pulled in from the footprint screen or can be entered manually on the Utility Cost screen. Compare up to 4 systems and utilize the new advanced filters screen to narrow-down their equipment and accessory options to recommend and give your customer the experience of shopping rather than “being sold.”

  • Complete “big picture” analysis factors in all costs, rebates, and energy savings
  • Side-by-side comparisons for up to 4 systems, giving Good, Better, Best options
  • Comments can be entered and automatically added to the proposal
  • For dealers who utilize Right-Price, the costs and rebates for each system will be automatically populated.


The fast and accurate annual operating cost and energy analysis gives you a competitive advantage by giving the homeowner a “big picture” cost analysis while in the home and proves that the lowest price option is not always the least expensive in the long run.

How It Works:

Calculating the Utility Cost

  1. If you’ve generated a load calculation, the Calculation Parameters will automatically be populated. If you haven’t, you will have to manually enter the load data in the menu on the left side.
  2. In the first column, select the system the homeowner currently owns from the drop down menus.
  3. Select up to 3 equipment options for the homeowner to choose from in the Best, Better, and Good columns.
  4. Annual Savings comparisons are displayed in the bottom row.

Payback Period

  1. Once you have selected equipment from the Utility Cost screen, the information will be automatically transferred to this screen.
  2. For each system displayed, enter in installation costs*, rebates available (needs Right-Rebate), and cost to repair (*with Right-Price, this
    info is populated automatically).
  3. After this information if entered, the Payback Period and ROI will be automatically displayed at the bottom. If the dealer prefers, they have the
    option to hide this field.
  4. Comments to be included on the proposal can be added to this screen.

Build custom proposals. Each customer will know they are in good hands when you create a complete custom proposal on the spot, that you can email to the
customer, or print and leave behind.

Calculate replacement cost, pricing and profits. Help balance low-costs for your customers with profit for you, so everyone wins. Compare system prices*. Check
side-by-side comparisons with customers so they feel comfortable that they are making the best choice.

Right-Price is an online pricing tool used to easily create, control and manage your residential replacement costs, pricing and profits. This safe and
secure system instantly updates your salespeople in the field without having to copy and/or transfer information. With Right-Price, only the equipment for which you enter pricing will be displayed, meaning you are only showing equipment that you sell.


  • Adaptable for selling multiple brands
  • Custom proposal templates to display your logo and legalese
  • Define and manage your residential replacement cost, pricing and profits
  • Fast and easy to set up
  • Define company information
    • Gross profit
    • warranty
    • state sales tax
    • financing
    • price format
    • labor cost
  • Upload equipment and accessory cost via excel spreadsheet
  • Connects pricing with AHRI equipment ratings – updated weekly
  • Connect users with our secure administrator function
  • Changes to pricing are instantly pushed out to all users
  • Automatically, instantly connects pricing to Right-Mobile Consultant


This web-based tool allows businesses to have greater control over their sales while saving dealers in the field a significant amount of time on each job. An online administrator can input and manage pricing information for the equipment and accessories they sell, and that information is automatically pushed out to all the users (dealers) in the field. This simplifies the sales process for the dealer in the field by eliminating the need to manually enter pricing and rebates for each system.

How It Works:

  1. Select Equipment After completing the Manual J block (whole house) load calculation, simply choose equipment and accessories by selecting a model number listed in the drop-down menus. View and compare the estimated Utility Costs for each system you select and see the estimated annual savings you can expect.  If you only want one system to appear on the proposal, click the radial button next to the system of your choice (good, better, best).  You can select which proposal option to print on the Proposal screen.
  2. Select Accessories Use our customer questionnaire to identify and establish needs, then meet those needs with the proper accessories from our simple, customizable drop down menus. Those accessories (and install items) now become part of your finished proposal.
  3. Equipment Data Sheets Pull up equipment marketing data sheets with detailed manufacturer information to educate the homeowner on the specifics of the equipment you sell.
  4. Calculate Payback Period (ROI) View and Compare up to 4 systems.  This screen factors in all costs and applicable incentives to provide a complete analysis for how long it will take for the system to “pay for itself.”  It accounts for the energy cost savings compared to your old system, as well as manufacturer bonuses and federal, state, and local rebates. With Right-Price, the selling price is populated automatically.
  5. Generate a Professional Proposal Your proposal, automatically.  This professional proposal is generated automatically based on the information entered and can be emailed directly to the customer or whomever else may need it. Use the dropdown on the top right to select which proposal format you wish to use:  Good – Better – Best or Good – Better – Best + accessories, for Single System or Single System + accessories.

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